Session 5 “The Litchway” [Stylised write up.]

Cell Block illustration. Close but in ours all the cells are on one side

Right gonna try and sneak this out before tonight’s session so I don’t get the two confused in my head… 🙂

As another arrow bounced uselessly off the shield, the nearby door opened and the two surviving Goblins and Human woman dashed through the open portal. From his angle Felix could have sworn it was a female figure half hidden in the shadows beckoning them inside the room.

“What happens here?” Phaedra whispered, the two rescued prisoners clad only in blankets following her close behind.

“They fought, we won” Temerian replied in his usual terse manner.

“Mogar was going to hit me!” Felix wailed confusedly to the cleric.

“Mogar is not himself, a magic compulsion I think” Temerian clarified seeing the surprised look on the clerics face at the halflings pronouncement. “Can you help him, he is badly hurt also.”

“Many are hurt I see” Phaedra replied as she surveyed the carnage in the room through the force shield. Seeing Arvids crumpled form she frowned at Felix.  “How is the strange one?” she asked the halfling in a soft voice.

Felix bent over the fallen cleric and came away with tears in his eyes. “I think he’s dead” For a moment the companions stared at the strange fellow for a moment in silent tribute, then Phaedra said:

“May your gods take you to your just fate Arvid Klerx.” She hobbled over to where Joseph Pope still half sat on the recumbent form of Mogar the warrior. “Is he bound tight?” She asked the Rogue.

“Yep, when he comes to he’ll be barely able to wriggle”

“Very well I shall attempt to heal him and as my Mistresses the fate take a dim view of sells that alter a mans will maybe they will break any lingering enchantments”

“That is good” Temerian muttered. He had observed their foes leave and the door slam shut once more. More importantly his arcane senses felt a surge of unknown magic right after the door closed. Clearly the Mage was not finished, set back perhaps but not finished. “Attend” he barked. “Our enemies have fled for the moment, come let us enter and see what clues they have left behind!” Without waiting for a discussion he ended the magical barrier and strode into the room.

Seeing the possibility of loot Felix and Joseph quickly followed: After perhaps a half hour the group surveyed their situation.

Phaedra had managed indeed to free Mogar from his magical compulsion and with his wounds healed the big man joined the hunt for clues or loot with gusto. In fact it was he that had spotted the suspicious weights in the cover of the commanders bead – real gold pieces some of the first the group had won from this lair of iniquity! The most dramatic find was some kind of luminous Oil that Felix “discovered” with an over zealos blow of his hand axe, splattering him with the glowing liquid. Still a few doses remained of the stuff (whatever it was) that they scooped carefully into a new container.

The Prisoners too had fared better, the bunk rooms for the fallen guards had supplied old but serviceable changes of clothes for the both. Sadly neither Paxon’s holy symbol or Pinella’s spell book had been a part of the loot. Having left the door where their opponents had fled till last at a Nod from Temerian Joseph approached it gingerly. This close he could see what appeared to be  spy hole cut into it. Thrusting a short metal rod in and out of it as a precaution first he risked a peek through it. Another guard bunk room as best he could make out. Another door lay on the far side, marked the enemies escape route. He turned to the simple lock and laid out his tools. But nothing he tried would make the door budge though the lock itself took but a moment.

“They’ve jammed it or something” he cried in disgust to the others.

“Only to be expected” Temerian grunted. “Let me then” Without further explanation the Mage drew his enchanted quill from his breast and sketched a now familiar rune into the air.

Bolt after bolt or magical enegy smashed into the wood. Holes appeared and still the thing held firm. Eventually the Mage had to stop. Looking at the gaping blast points and the fact that one of the doors hinges was totally sundered he said: “Magically sealed. We must either wait out the spell or hack every trace of the door down.”

Mogar grunted and with Joseph’s help he gathered up some of the fallen weapons and they systematically tore down what remained of the esorceled doorway.

Meanwhile Felix was happily sitting in a corner admiring a small pile of coins and other odds and ends that had fallen into his pocket. But he was not just playing; he was also keeping half an eye upon the far door. Just as well as slowly as if apologising for making a sound it swung open and a hideously tattoo head nervously peeked through the door way.

“Well hello!” Felix said loudly as the strange fellow tried to slip into the room quietly. The man jumped in his skin a the apparent appearance of an axe wielding Hobbit right beside him. The others looked over startled from the other end of the room. Mogar turned ready to charge down on the intruder.

“Lucius!” Cried Pinella startling them all with the relief in her voice! “Stay your weapons noble rescuers We know this man”

“You sure its a man?” Phaedra muttered under her breath as she took in the Tattos and arcane symbols etched into the mans face and arms

“Yes this is Lucius Singultus, a sorcerer of our company” Paxon stated struggling to his feet. The cleric did not sound exactly thrilled about it to the rest of the group.

Pinella ran to the man with more enthusiasm. “We thought you dead! how did you escape their ambush?”

The sorcerer flashed the woman a bitter smile “With guile and skill my dear woman and no little cost to my power. I take it these others are friends then? Noble ‘heros’ come to do what you and Paxon failed to do?” The bitter tone in the mans voice softened just for a moment. “Forgive me I have been evading capture for a while now and my temper is not what it should be.”

“Of course” Pinella replied generously. “Come meet the others and then sit and tell us all about it!”

[End session 4 for those interested – was not planning in detailing the actual looting in this in excruciating detail, hardly makes for great ease of reading]

With the rescued vouching for the strange sorcerer the party returned to the matter in hand. The three had weapons at least and the Sorcerer had some power at least so leaving the three of them to hold this line of retreat and to get re acquainted, they pressed on.

But not very far. With disgust Joseph threw down a bent lock pick. “Same as the last or I’m a Hobbit!” he spat giving the spell locked door an evil look. His arms still ached from hacking th elast one to splinters before the spell locking it had too little door left to hold them at bay.

“You’re too tall Mr Pope” Felix cheeped from down nearer the floor.

“Only logical to reinforce both doors” Stated Temerian with resignation. One day he hoped to learn some enchantment to break spells, but for now brute force was needed once more.

A full ten minutes past before they had again hewn the door to matchwood. Before they party pressed on Temerian raised a hand. “Wait a moment if we are following our enmies there may be unknown dangers. Allow me a further spell:” A moment later a weird tingling was felt by everyone.  “That should last a couple of hours, and will defend you somewhat from harm” declared the mage with satisfaction.

The ruined door led into quite a different area indeed. The gentle fall of water and a strange whispering noise in the air filled their ears as they surveyed a large open space. To their left Hobbit high iron railings overlooked a shimmering pool fed by an ornate fountain set on the far wall. Muti coloured lights topped seven posts on the railings. The smell of old tobacco and incense hung in the air. Clearly Magic had been worked in this chamber not long ago.

Just to their left a walkway was cut overlooking the pool, heading over it in a gentle arc leading up to the fountain, which now looked less appealing as as their eyes grew accustomed to the strange lighting, they could see it was shaped into a large mouth open Skull… Roughly opposite them was a large sofa set commanding an easy view of the dancing light on the waters of the pool. A low table stood nearby with an ornate water pipe still showing signs of recent use. A half open box of more smoking weed lay nearby. In the far door a large door beckoned them onward.

Cautiously they moved into the room.

“Pipes still warm” Felix announced from the Lounge corner.

“Looks like they cleared some stuff out” Joseph remarked pointing to some recent scuff marks as if something moderately heavy had been hurriedly swept off the table.

“No matter that” Temerian commented pointing at the one obvious door.

“Yes” declared Phaedra, “check that first then if need be come back here.”

The group headed over to the door, dreading it was also going to be magically sealed. But happily only a complicated lock barred their way. With only a bit of cursing Joseph had the thing open and they peered inside. A large well appointed bedchamber greeted them. Moving in they tore through the obvious hiding places. Mogar taking unholy pleasure in stripping the bed down to it feather mattress covering the whole thing in a light dusting of white feathers.  Still their destruction of the bed revealed a (sadly) empty secret compartment in its frame.

“Ohh fun!” Cried Felix leaping onto the ruined bed after Mogar had finished with it. Like a child the little halfling cavorted to through the feathers many of them sticking to the still glowing Oil that had splashed on him in the previous rooms.

“Do you have any idea how ridiculous you look?” Joseph asked the hobbit when he had quite done.

“Whats ‘Ridiculous’ mean?” Felix replied in child like innocence.

“Talk your way out of that” Phaedra murmured as she passed Jospeh Pope II

While Joseph and Felix talked over how being lit up like a candle was not necessarily good for sneaking about in shadows. Phaedra, Temerian and Mogar considered their options.

“Secret escape path it has to be” Mogar stated. “Place has had several of them so far must be one more”

“You are likely correct” Temerain agreed, “Though I have yet to notice anything like it. Which is strange as seeing what is out of place is a skill of my race.”

“I may not be in here then” Phaedra offered in her quiet voice. “The light in the room with a pool is tricky and faint. Even elf eyes might miss something unless you were close to it in such conditions”

“That is so” Temerain agreed. “So we must search that room more diligently”

“Felix, Joseph come we are leaving” Mogar called to the two.

Back in the lounge are the group spread out a little carefully examining their areas. Felix peering through the bars of the railings almost immediately saw something reflecting the light at the bottom of the pool.

“Oh a Shiny!” he exclaimed, and before the others could do more than turn around the Hobbit had clambered over the railing and dove into the pool after the elusive “shiny treasure”

Gathering at the railings and looking incredulously at the feather covered Halflings glowing form as he dove down. Mogar and Jospeh shared a look and began uncoiling a length of rope to retrieve the Halfling who had probably not thought of how he was going to get back up after his swan dive.

“Wait what is that!” Temerain exclaimed pointing at two shadows in the water that were now bearing down upon the glowing Halfling!

Beneath the water Felix had seen the two lizard men enter the Pool from its out flow hole. He’d never had to fight underwater before, this would be fun! One stabbed at him with some kind o spear but the impact stopped short with a kind of blueish spark. Temerian magic! Feeling invincible the hobbit attacked back with a will.

“Enemies of course!” Joseph remarked dropping his rope and gathering up his bow. Snapping a hurried shot at the trailing figure he stared as the water deflected the arrow away from his target.

Temerian blasted at one with his magic once more, while below; protected by the Magic shield Felix slew the second after a brief struggle. Popping up for air the halfling spluttered up at the concerned faces of his companions. “Lizard folks! Two of them but there all gone… oh bugger!” Out of the corner of his eye he saw more shapes swimming up the outlet…

Two lizard folk leaped gracefully out of the water and assaulted the watchers. But Mogar and Phaedra were ready for them. Mogars sword slashed a deep furrow in the creatures chest so it landed awkwardly and badly hurt. Phaedra’s response was more subtle. Pointing a slim finger at the other she muttered a plea to the Morae. Frozen like  statue the second Lizard Warrior dropped to the stone floor rendered immobile.

Seeing that the others had this in hand Jospeh again began shooting down at the others, Temerian lined up for another bolt of power. But for a moment his concentration wavered. he had, he knew been pushing his powers to their limits, and this time the magic failed to answer. Their was a soundless detonation matched by a immediate ache in his skull and all that happened was a gentle rain of ash instead of the incendiary bolt of power he had desired. Eyes watering the Mage took an involuntary step back from the railings.

Below Felix was actually enjoying himself. twice more the spears had missed of glance sparking off his magical defences. He had slashed one of the creatures with his axe too so all was well. Suddenly one spear pierced the magical screen and he felt the spear head gouge him. it was not a nice feeling! realising he might be in actual trouble Felix attacked back desperately.

Joseph had manged to wind one of the dark shapes in the water. Ironically the glowing half was easy to track and he was doing his best only shoot whatever one was furthest from Felix as they swam about him.

Mogar squared up to his opponent. Like Felix the creatures return swipe had sparked off the invisible sorcerous barrier. Mogar had no such obstacle. With a massive swipe he took its head off. Seeing Temerian had stepped back from the railings and was shaking his head as if stunned or something the Warrior glanced down to where Felix was still fighting in the water. All seemed to be well until he saw the red of Halfling blood in the water mixing with the the blue green ichor of the Lizard folks briefly before being swept out by the current.

Phaedra dimly registered that the Mage had apparently tempted fate one spell too many. But before she could see to him or anyone else she knew her paralysis would only last a few moments. Striding to the frozen Lizard warrior she dealt it a swift but massive blow to the head with her Bone cane. The skull crushed under the fetish’s weight like a watermelon. Now she could see to the others.

With an effort Felix had managed to kill the one he wounded but the second was still darting in and out. Sooner or later its could breach his protection, besides he was getting tired he could hardly dodge right under water. Suddenly the lizard man was transfixed by a huge shape that plunged sword forst through the water, pinning its very dead form to the floor of the pool.

Up top the others stared incredulously as Mogar dove from the railing his sword held out in front of him lke a giant harpoon. With the velocity that a hundred pounds of chain-mail can impart the warriors unorthodox charge transfixed the last lizard man. In fact the impact was so severe it took him several precious moments to free himself from the corpse and recover his embedded blade. By the time Josephs rope splashed near by him he was glad to to get out of the water.

Seeing he was again alone, Felix paddled up to the outlet just in case more of those lizardy things was coming in? Seeing none he resolved to take a careful look around the pool. it paid off as affixed to a rusted iron spike and chain he discovered a leather bag sealed with wax against the water. While he wouldn’t open it under water it felt heavy and coin like bulges could be felt so all was well indeed! With a great deal of satisfaction he dived down to see what the shiny was at last. it was in fact a ladies hand mirror. Quite a nice one, with a bit of ornamentation on it so he went to grab it for his collection.

As his hand closed on the handle a wave of fatigue swept over him and inexplicably the Halfling passed out sound asleep; fifteen feet below the surface…!

Trying to haul the big heavy warrior up was taxing indeed! Temerian shook off his headache and was about to give Joseph and Phaedra a hand with the big man when his arcane sense felt something occur d=from within the pool. Leaning over he could see Felix lieing face down under the water. Something reflective still gripped in his hand. Warding rune! He was almost sure of it. He had studied them a little but lacked the enchantment to attempt one himself. Wracking his mind he essayed another spell – cautiously this time.

A faintly glowing disc of force formed under Felix’s still form. Slowly lifting the Halfling clear of the water before he could drown. As soon as he saw the Hobbit was unharmed but sleeping only. Temerian sent the construct of force back down to assist with hauling Mogar back to dry land.

As soon as Mogar was safe Phaedra again invoked the Morae to heal Felix of the stab wound he had suffered. In turn the now awakened Hobbit poured the contents of the leather bag out for all to see. hundred.. nay thousands of coin fell bouncing to the floor. Mostly copper of course but a goodly portion was of silver and perhaps ten percent were gold! Quickly he pocketed a couple of small gems he spotted as the tumbled out. But that was only (hobbit) fair, as he had done all the work finding it after all…

When the contents of the bag had been gathered up once more and the party a little dried out they began to search again. As he had thought Temerian discovered a false panel at the end of the walk way by the fountain. Pressing a recessed button he yelped in pain as something scratched his finger! The wound was not serious but he looked at it concernedly as the party cautiously proceeded down the passageway.

It opened out onto a balcony overlooking a large ornately decorated chamber. The ever present pattern of bones and flames was evident everywhere, especially along the small opening in the ceiling that still showed traces of soot and fire exhaust along its sides and edges. Dimly sunlight from the cliff above could be seen far above. The decor of the room while rich was sadly faded and covered in a greenish mouldy growth. Stagnant water covered the floor and three sets of steps lead down into it from three sets of double doors; one each to the left right and directly ahead of them.

And again that’s where I’ll leave this section of narrative. Slightly more happened but I’ll tack that onto the next instalment as I did here. Had notice a couple of folks might not make it so while I have an idea how to sideline their characters now best to see how it can be played out. Especially as Lucius Singultus the rune etched sorcerer should be making his debut as a PC this coming session 🙂

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