Grimwardens Journal entry 03 [Or what happens back at camp while you adventure]

About an hour had past and not much to report. A couple more of the vampire birds had flown in and now that we were expecting them got shot down before they could do any mischief. The look outs had seen signs of Lizard folks swimming in the bay but none had come up where we could see them. Still we were keeping an eye out just in case they massed for an attack or anything.

A few minutes later Arvid the clerk or some silly name came boiling out of the tunnel where he and a couple of the others had gone in to explore. I admit I had been nervous when the group had opted to split in two like they did. But I had my orders not to interfere just watch and see what became of them.

“Hey Arvid where are the others whats happening in there!” One of the watchmen called out; One Magee or something pretty good shot with a crossbow that’s all I remembered about him.

“No time to stop my friend” the man called as he ran up to the concealed door. We have found some body thats all I know I think we have one of the rogues we look for I tell you more later!” he cried as he wiggled into the tight secret space the Elf had discovered previously.

Damn I hated that! What the hell was going on in there? Why’d he come out alone? While I was thinking it over word came in from the squad i sent out to scout the area.

“What to report soldier?”

Well we found tracks in the softer ground outside the land path sir. Band of Orcs or something like it came this way less than a day ago.

That was  not good. “How many?” I asked

“Hard to say at least a score from the tracks, they were pretty small for Orcs buts how it looked to us.”

“Ok double the guard.” This was great the Lizaerd folks massing in the water and now there was a chance an Orc warband was inside already? Ye gods what next!

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