Intro story part 15 – It’s not the Waiting that Kills…

Back at the Fair Clearing

What happened? It was all so fast so, violent….

The fair was proceeding very nicely over all. No fights (yet) plenty to eat and drink, some exotic stuff to see (The “elf dancers” were especially well attended this year, but you had to wonder if they realised because the custom of dancing in what was basically a nightie drew viewers for non aesthetic reasons!)

Then out of nowhere the Orcs arrived shooting arrows and slashing at anybody that seemed to resist even slightly. But worse than that were the wolves. You only saw two of them but the things were huge and what made it shudderingly worse is somebody whispered they were barely half grown!

The conquest of the fair took less than an hour but it seemed like an eternity to you and the other hapless victims. A few minutes more and you were herded unceremoniously to one corner of the clearing. Bound hand and foot and made to watch as the Orc band despoiled the camp, wrecking everything and devouring or drinking the best that the four villages had to offer.

One Village elder tried to reason with the biggest of the Orcs. Shaking your head at the thought of it you were not sure if that was the bravest or most foolhardy thing you had ever seen. For a moment, one brief moment, it actually looked like the Orc captain was considering the mans heartfelt and well reasoned pleas. Then the Orcs sabre swept out and back and the elder recoiled screaming and clutching at the stump of his hand.

For a moment your blood boiled at the sight but what could you do? Try anything now and you’d be cut down as well. In despair they took you with the rest and tied you to the trees as the grim drunken revel carried on through the afternoon.

As time went on you wish you had done something to fight back. As every half hour or so a drunken Orc would come up and pick out a prisoner and dragged them off to the great hall. None of the folks that had gone in there had come out again alive…

When would it be your turn….

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