So I’m getting behind on session write ups I know. But DO intend to get to them. SO for now I am gonna publish a holding page for each one and work on them as time allows.
Its supposed to be a bit of fun and maybe some interest to anyone following the exploits of our misfit hero’s but Works trying to kill me and I would rather focus my free hours right now on getting the subsequent sessions properly prepare.
Then there is Free RPG day coming up as well LOL!
So here’s an idea. If i put up the holding pages I cordially invite any of you in the part to go in an edit in any notes/dialogue you may want top be kept for posterity if you have the time and have the desire. If any of you do that will help my recollections when I get around to doing the write up for that session.
But if you don’t no worries this is a writing exercise for me as much as anything else not trying to shift the workload lol.
Right! lets post where I have got with the journey episodes then a holding page for the incidents in Cahli Village and one for the last session as you trekked through the woods to the Manor itself and what you found just therein…