Explored More

Updated Map and XP for last session. Just too bone tired to do any more right now sorry.


Xp Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar = 82
  • Auri = 54 SECOND LEVEL
  • Phaedra = 87
  • Temerian = 74
  • Jospeh Pope II = 94
  • Lucius Singultus = 62
  • Bormir = 62

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed.


Explored so far

Ho Humm.. On my own in the office this week so really have less time than I’d like (LOL) Still best put this up here now before I forget.
This is what JP2, Phaedra & Mogar & sundry explored last week. I’ll leave it to them to explain what they found here. Appended XP to the post, pretty high but many areas were explored and talked around intelligently so well done!

Xp Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar = 74
  • Auri = 47
  • Phaedra = 79
  • Temerian = 66
  • Jospeh Pope II = 86
  • Lucius Singultus = 55
  • Bormir = 56

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed.


Night time at Cahli – Part 2 XP awards

Sorry for the delay been a busy week! Ok well that sure didn’t go as expected! But that’s the bitter sweet part of being a GM you plan you plot you set out your adventure…. An a bunch of crazy murder hobo’s tear it into itty bitty pieces.. or die trying!

Nightime in Cahli

Good to see Lucious back into his usual insane form, not sure why you would want to drop improvised bombs into a melee but Okay…

Solid and conventional performances from Bormir, Phaedra, Joseph Pope and Mogar. Before Lucious’s “intervention” all of you had a chance of getting on the wrong end of one of the Night things making the Base Xp 3 for everybody playing an active role.

Given the fact the creatures were still active after the blast when several party members had taken additional damage I’m upping that to 4 points for those mentioned above!

The role play was very strong this session and I want to reflect that so that’s another bonus Xp for each of the main characters.

Some good further role play on the morrow, still that has consumed the “Safe” time during daylight with which you could have made it to the Manor. Lets hope they let you in swiftly before Moon rise 😉 .


Xp Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar = 63
  • Auri = 41
  • Phaedra = 68.
  • Temerian = 60
  • Jospeh Pope II = 75
  • Lucius Singultus = 50 SECOND LEVEL
  • Bormir = 53 SECOND LEVEL

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed. Certain “Secondary” characters Like Donny & Boggis have earned a few extras. I’ll notify you when (if) they level to 2nd.


XP Awards Session 1 “Night at Cahli Village”

Strictly speaking we’re doing the latter half of the road to the village and the first half of the “Night over Cahli” section of this Story Arc…
Buut Nobody cares right? 😉

I think the XP for the session is disproportionately low for the quality of the session but I think that just an artefact of where he stopped

2nd Day last half

Ah well that’s was not quite what I expected. Well OK I did 50/50 expect somebody to be paranoid about a twitching bush after the fight was apparently over. Just didn’t expect it to be the cleric 🙂 Ah well can’t win ’em all. No added XP for rescuing the last survivor, but no penalties either just you wont know what clues he might have been able to tell you


2nd Night

Encounter 2  The Dancing Statue

I love running a group with experienced players…  I especially appreciate the staying in character despite for example Matt musta understood what Bormir could not that the critter was immune to non magic weapons. Still could have gone badly or forced Tem to ruin another nights sleep to magic blast the thing. Pretty handy clerics in DCC being able to give a temporary enchantment on a weapon eh! Still sooner or later you’ll meet something that needs a +2 or better to hit so stay sharp 🙂

2Xp to Phaedra. Joseph Pope 2 and Bormir. 1 Xp for Lucious’s long range blast of fire, not greatly effective but did do something, while the rest of you were “willing” the thing had been Killed due to a confluence of far too many “1s” and experienced players making the most of them 🙂


3rd Day

Arrival in Cahli

No fighting but there was plenty of good RP & planing and I personally feel there has to be acknowledgement of that.  The group also seems tp be function as a group which is great as well ! So +1xp for EVERYONE as a base. Additionally to that I found Donny the cowards performance funny +1 for that. Jp2 Tem, Phaedra and what I am thinking as the “principle” characters were on form as well with Good information being extracted and Tem leading the magic circle for his long bomb attack.

But the thing that got me was that you were obviously ready to either wait it out OR take the battle to the enemy. I have GM’d this adventure twice before and played it once. This is new, 2 previous party’s have usually hunkered down to take the siege then gone on to the manor unscathed (leaving usually a dead villager to the Night things raid in their wake) The only previous one to go out and fight was a TPK…. But they were hopelessly disorganised: the total opposite to you guys.

So although we stopped at the start of any battle in addition to the above I am giving a bonus XP to all the principle Characters. Probably several more points at the end of the nights fighting as yes there will be at least some to go. (No Tem you didn’t bag ALL the Night things with your cruise missile spell)


Xp Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar = 58
  • Auri = 41
  • Phaedra = 63
  • Temerian = 57
  • Jospeh Pope II = 70
  • Lucius Singultus = 46
  • Bormir = 48

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed. Certain “Secondary” characters Like Donny & Boggis have earned a few extras. I’ll notify you when (if) they level to 2nd.


XP Awards Session 0 “On the road at last!”

Righto Peeps lets get going!

Hope you all enjoyed the mini session last Wednesday, more to come! Glad to see Mat decided that despite his frailties Tem could put in an appearance!

Right so in terms of play experience not huge but that’s to be expected in a warm up. Still there is this:

1st Day & Night

Encounter 1: Deciding what to do about the Lizard raiders

Fair enough to ya! This was one of those encounters that I threw just to see how you’d react. As pointed out you were NOT Hired to act as town guards so sending message warning was a reasonable (& cheap in terms of effort) solution. So everyone can take 1 Xp for that except Temerian who had his rest (& thus his recovery!) set back He can get 2 Xp. If I am honest I expected you to let the town totally fend for itself.. With my second guess being you’d send back some of the NPC/Secondary characters in your Warband back to assist/Warn the Locals. No worries I expect you to surprise me.. Just dunno how OFC!

Encounter 2: Night time Camp chaos.

Again a “test” encounter to see how you were thinking. Nobody searched the camp site Hmmm that may cost you later – be told! Still nothing threatening this time. In appreciation for the Ben & Stimpy show provided by Mogar & Boggis I award each 1 Xp. Lori you pointing out the “Gongfarmer” would know about the contents of an old latrine pit nearly made me die! Yes! Yes he would…..!!!

2nd Day

Encounter 1 “The destroyed carts”

Ah yes well we didn’t quite complete that in the time allowed by our shortened session But in the main you did what needed to be done.

All characters (Primary or Secondary) of players present can take 1 Xp plus the following get another one for getting stuck into the fighting these nameless Etherial preditors:

Auri, Donny & Lucious. For leading the Charge Bormir gets 2Xp For arriving before the end of the fight and ensuring no party injuries JP2 Phaedra & Mogar can each have one as well.

So next time we shall resume right where we stopped directly after the fight so you can properly look around, I believe somebody had the idea of renovating the Wagons for some added transport yes… Well don’t want to hurry that as while its a fine idea I want to play something else out at the battle site when we’re not rushing to get out please 🙂 May do a story post write up of this over the weekend as the mood strikes me 😀

Xp Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar = 56
  • Auri = 39
  • Phaedra = 60
  • Temerian = 55
  • Jospeh Pope II = 66
  • Lucius Singultus = 44
  • Bormir = 46

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed.

Xp- Awards Session 7

Again gonna make a start on this post – even if I don’t publish it right away ASAP. Great to see everyone here as well, makes for a challenging session but well worth it!  Lot happened some behind the scenes to some! Several characters have accumulated enough XP to achieve 2nd level after this session. I’ll make a separate post about leveling up procedure in due course as a result. If you have specific questions post here in comment sof PM on facebook whichevers easier. Now here goes the breakdown.

Base XP for the session: Four  encounters:

  1. Investigate the Vampire statue room –Easy 1 Xp
  2. Fight the Demi Succubus and Dark Odo’s surviving Minions –Heroic 5 Xp
  3. Search the camp and fight off the Giant spider –Moderate 2 Xp
  4. Investigate – and NOT trip something very baaad in the Singing statue chamber –Moderate 2 Xp

For a max total of 10 XP for the session before individual and special awards. In the case of the last “encounter” with the singing statue only half of you can claim to have been involved in it. (so far)

Ben – Mogar- Warrior-  Its a good job really Mogar is such a nice guy. Everybody seems to be out to get him! For playing when under the delusion effect so well   +1 Xp (4 encounters 11 total)

Dave – Felix – Halfling – Ah the child like innocence and deadly combat power of the Halfling of mystery returns! Felix seems to be genuinely lucky Dave even if his attribute score is temporarily lowered from use. Figured your card role as well +2 XP (3 Encounters 10 Total)

Lori – Phaedra – Cleric –  Wow you seem to have the knack of setting up the monsters for a big take down Having the main beasties abilities crippled by the continuous interruptions of the command to “Crash” probably saved somebodies life! +2 Xp (4 Encounters 12 total)

Mat – Temerian – Elf Mage – The return of the Cannon! You realise as you go up in level you will eventually encounter critters shielded against that spell so its good to make the most of it now! Great work and I hope the rest of the party realise how crippled you made yourself to achieve it! +2 Xp (3 Encounters 10 Total)

Sam – Joseph Pope II – Rogue – Well looks like your luck is holding as well, first direct hand to hand combat wasn’t it? Nearly lost you if not for Phaedra’s rapid intervention, but you returned that favour in style later! Played your card as well +2 Xp (3 Encounters 10 Total)

Simon – “Rats” Magee – Rogue – Great to see you back in the saddle Simon, again Rats has a certain something about him  – Not as inherently lucky as Say Felix seems to be but your either reading my notes or have a good instinct for things. Nicely done! +2 Xp (4 Encounters 12 total)

Tom – Lucius Singultus – Mage –  Ah! The mad sorcerer got unlucky but then again you played around it (partially with Simons help) As with Tem as you gain more spells you’ll round out. I actually LIKE the idea of a seeing eye monster! Not a Zombie though but had you got a familiar like Tem then the condition could be managed. Though in fairness I expect Phaedra will be able to cure you in time. +1 Xp (3 Encounters 9 Total)

As the demise of both your logged targets was reported to Base camp this session all players gain an immediate “Mission objective complete award. Those that were actually present at the “Kill” gain a touch more that those that did not directly participate in the killing encounter. For Vivlok thats an extra +1 to everyone and an extra +1 to Felix, Phaedra & Temerian who actually killed the lecherous bugger!
You were all involved in Dark Odo’s demise even if it was Temerians Mega Bolt that did the deed to that’s +4 for everyone now its reported. Lucius is not technically part of the “Bounty Hunter” group but I am allowing it this time as he would draw considerable satisfaction in the demise of one that inconvenienced him and his previous party in the back story used to write the character into the game.

As I said before: I keep a reduced average of the party’s XP per session (Aren’t spreadsheets useful!) so that will go on their total count so they wont be desperately behind when they resume (they will still be behind those that could make it naturally otherwise its unfair.)

Xp Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar = 52 – SECOND LEVEL!
  • Felix = 52 – SECOND LEVEL !
  • Phaedra = 55 – SECOND LEVEL !
  • Temerian = 52 – SECOND LEVEL !
  • Jospeh Pope II = 58 – SECOND LEVEL !
  • Lucius Singultus = 41
  • Rats Magee = 45

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed.

Xp- Awards Session 6

Going to get this done while its fresh in my mind this time 😉 Shame we were a couple of regulars down due to stuff but no matter, the remaining guys really pulled out the stops tonight and made up for the lack of numbers well done all of you!

Base XP for the session: Three encounters  Difficult level/Moderate in each case so base 2 Xp/each 6XP

Ben – Mogar- Warrior-  Laydies and gentlemen in the blue corner Mogar of the silver helm In the Red corner another door! And the winnah by a knock out headbutt is: Mogar! No party can make it without at least one solid dependable warrior. Mogar is that, racked up another couple of kills tonight with the Lizard man and goblin Also (tremor) the one liners! +3 Xp

Lori – Phaedra – Cleric – Oh wow a masterclass on how to ensorcel the enemy without ever casting a spell. (Well many spells!) Phaedra can be genuinely frightening – especially in her “Destroyer” aspect like we saw tonight! You had the Hobgoblin Guard dead before the fight ever started! +4 Xp

Sam – Joseph Pope II – Rogue – Oh god the delivery guy cometh! I so see a running gag happening in all future encounter with “intelligent” NPC/monsters. Nice mix of combat skill and good old fashioned bluff. Teaming up with Mogar well with the fast talk was a pleasure to see. Not forgetting the very Rogish roguery as well. +3 Xp

Tom – Lucius Singultus – Mage – A great Debut as a PC, very different type of Mage to Temerian: Cruel? Probably. Cunning? Naturally! Self serving well yes of course! But (and this is the real trick with “evil” characters) Not disruptive to the party. Yes he really did try and “save” Felix from a terrible fate (When I get the session write up done I’ll try and explain) +4 Xp

Temerian, Felix & Rats Magee absent to Work/Sickness etc

As I said before: I keep a reduced average of the party’s XP per session (Aren’t spreadsheets useful!) so that will go on their total count so they wont be desperately behind when they resume (they will still be behind those that could make it naturally otherwise its unfair.) The genuinely high xp awards this week will help that average score that is passed on to absent characters as a courtesy.

Xp Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar = 37
  • Felix = 36
  • Phaedra = 37
  • Temerian = 36
  • Jospeh Pope II = 44
  • Lucius Singultus = 28
  • Rats Magee = 29

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed.

Xp- Awards Session 5

Catch up time! For last session, maybe later I can find the energy for a session write up for Simon and anyone else that’s watching – we’ll see.

Base XP for the session: One extended encounter  Difficult level/Life threatening so base 3 Xp

Ben – Mogar- Warrior- Solid work as usual Ben! Loved the diligent search technique, shame the reward wasn’t as spectacular but so it goes. Effectively solo’d one lizard man that leaped out of the Pool and who can’t love the mental image of the sword first swan dive into the water. Well done cap’n’ Ahab! +2 Xp

Dave – Felix – Halfling – Played to all the characters strengths again! Looted (but didn’t take it all) imprudently snatched at the shiny when wiser heads woulda said “Wait!” And as a bonus went full potato in the water with the Lizard warriors. Also included is a “What the hell with the Self feathering” Award for crazy RP. +3 Xp and +1 Luck

Lori – Phaedra – Cleric – Ah the shadow lady steps (briefly perhaps) from the shadows! Played to your card well, Solid work in the combat as well also effectively solo’ing the other Jumping Lizard man warrior [Paralysing it then a smashing coupe de grace!] Followed by a session of Healing on those that had need (Felix/Mogar) Throw in some cautiously wise advice and we have the complete clerical experience in one encounter! +3 Xp

Mat. – Temerian – Elf Mage – Ah aced the Shield spell again (with Felix’s help) but that probably saved the little guys life as I know he would have been hit two or three times more without it. Still first spell blow back as well so its not going all your way. But superior overall very much playing to type. +2 Xp

Sam – Joseph Pope II – Rogue – Played your card type spot on this time! Thoroughly Rogued throughout, sadly some of the goodies you were searching for are being carried by your target as she tries to relocate behind a secondary line of defence as you have collectively rousted her from her apartments. +2 Xp +1 Luck (EDIT: at max Luck will gain extra 5 XP)


Rats Magee & Lucius Singultus absent to Work/Sickness etc

As I said before: I keep a reduced average of the party’s XP per session (Arn’t spreadsheets useful!) so that will go on their total count so they wont be desperately behind when they resume (they will still be behind those that could make it naturally otherwise its unfair.)

Edit: I also forgot to include a total of any small items/coin that you got from your rapid “once over” of the gaurds/minions rooms. Here it is now in toto:

  • 94 Sp total
  • 180 Cp total
  • a small, rusted oval piece of iron with a toothed edge ? (Make of it what you will)
  • Pouch of some kind of Powder (1 oz – one dose)
  • Jug of cheap wine
  • 4 Torches
  • Plus as I said a change of clothes for 3 Humans (one female) and a dwarf

XP Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:
Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Absentee characters gain a portion of the average award for the session they missed.

  • Mogar = 28
  • Felix = 30
  • Phaedra = 27
  • Temerian = 30
  • Jospeh Pope II = 35
  • Lucius Singultus = 18
  • Rats Magee = 23

Xp- Awards Session 4

OK Running behind here so am dropping this in as a retrospective record:

Base XP for the session: One extended encounter (one and a half encounters I suppose!) Difficult level/Life threatening so base 3 Xp

Ben – Mogar- Warrior- Good RP I really liked how you blunted the effects of being charmed by playing up your “Accent Card card” this session. Probably saved a party members life as you could have likely killed one in a single blow had you blindly attacked. +2 Xp also +1 Luck for surviving Tem’s rather rough subdual technique by the flip of a coin!

Dave – Felix – Halfling – Always fun to watch you play the little guy, Going to be interesting how Temerian does when his Luck battery is on fumes mind you! Especially loved using the controlled party members as cover! As another halfling said ones : “A defensive Blocker I’m not!” +1 Xp

Mat. – Temerian – Elf Mage – Ahh some seriously good Mage cannon work tonight! The dice godz are with theee! +1 Luck for taking the risk. Clever thought to wall off the Party with a force barrier. Mind you can work both ways as you saw as it gave them a chance to retreat deeper into the complex possibly setting booby traps behind them. Still good thinking on your feet. Also played to your Cards dictum very well +3 Xp

Sam – Joseph Pope II – Rogue – Played to your cards strength again I see, nice try at talking your way out of a 3 vs 2 fight when they discovered you breaking into the bridge +2 Xp

Sadly we saw (with mutual consent) the End of Arvid Klerx this time. Still I can say Toms got a great concept for his replacement (I trust that scares you as it should!)

Phaedra & Rats Magee absent to Work/Sickness etc but I keep a reduced average of the party’s XP per session (Arn’t spreadsheets useful!) so that will go on their total count so they wont be desperately behind when they resume (they will still be behind those that could make it naturally otherwise its unfair.)

XP Track

If I have got my bookkeeping straight then you all should have something like this at this point:

  • Mogar 23
  • Felix 24
  • Phaedra 21
  • Temerian 25
  • Jospeh Pope II 25
  • Arvid Klerx (Deceased) 22
  • Rats Magee 20

Secondary/New characters will come in at an XP level about 25% below your primary’s. Thus currently Toms new one for example will start on 15 Xp

Right now I had better to last Wednesdays XP award next LOL! Story time will have to come later I am afraid folks!

Session 3 Awards

First of all thank you for a very enjoyable game!

Sorry if I hurried you through the translocation from the starter adventure area to the Campaign proper. Hopefully I can post some info on your surroundings here that those of you with leisure time can read up upon in lieu of Role playing it out in session.

Well the inevitable extra time needed to finalise some characters cut into adventure time though not as much as I feared but apart from the fact you split right down the middle I thought it went OK. You are all getting into your characters and everyone had at least one decent idea/in character quirky bit in the town so I am going to class the town work as a simple encounter for 1 XP each

Once you got to the start of the dungeon proper there was again some solid (if rather [Justified] Paranoid) ideas. Tom may I just say that in all the years I have run variants on this adventure (the core adventure is 39 years old as of next month BTW) You are the first to look for the “Water entrance” that the rumour said the Lizard folks used. A few teams have also found the secret door but most have traipsed happily into the Open “front door” believe it or not LOL! Right so this will be new for all of us in some ways!

So there were three basic encounters done I think. One covering the town planning and info gathering. Then one done by the group that went in via the secret passage and a third by the Cavers that found the side water way.

So Basic award is 2 xp each to each character for the session, plus some individual awards based on bright and sensible ideas Role Play and so forth.

  • Ben. I am so glad we have Mogar as a front line fighter! I suspect though he comes from unlikely begging he may surprise us with his strength in the end! Good job on info gathering in town and not simply dropping your armour to go into the crawl space, I expect you woulda won had it been you instead of Tem in their first but probably taken more damage than needed. +2 Xp
  • Dave. Well you nailed it with Felix, I didn’t get which special card you had got until I saw it but the good news is: When I saw it I went “doh! How did I miss that!” Perfectly done. Gonna have to work on that perception ability though eh. I mean a dead end in a dungeon behind a secret door 😀  +4 Xp
  • Lori. Couldn’t say at the time how much I was laughing on the inside as Phaedra did her “Undead test!” on the party as we started ROFLMAO! Probably just as well you didn’t splash the familure with Holy Water in the end. But its definitely NOT undead! +2 Xp
  • Mat. Let me be clear… Temerin is NOT stealing a horse right before you go on a boat nope, nada, nix to that! That said LOL! Good call on the spell casting as well, sorry I forgot to bring your spell book with me (I have it now in my gaming bag!) Playing a spell-caster in an unfamiliar system is always an added challenge so Bravo. +3 Xp
  • Sam. Thinking back I do see how you were attempting to play your card 🙂 It was almost a shame that after Joseph’s detailed work examining the secret door the Elf walks up and spots it almost right away! Still good in character play, Arvid and Mogar would have gotten a lot wetter sooner without the smart work of running out a guide line as you did. Also good thinking on prearing for the “Boss battle” as you did, +3 Xp
  • Tom. Ahh man of many godz! I see I see how you were setting up for your cards instructions but in part the luck of the dice denied you. I Failed to roll a random twice while you were all assembling on the Docks, But I sense you have some ideas still as you explore the side entrance you have found. Loved the creative use of the special spell. But as I recall you did get one Goof as you first tried it, so your disapproval is a 1 Or a 2 for the balance of the game day. Remember that 😉 +2 Xp

OK as before I’ll make a back up XP post to make sure folks know what they scored. Those that left their character sheets with me I’ll add them on automatically never fear.

The rest of your “Warband” along with your back up characters I am going to say is going to take over one of the semi ruined Watchtowers on the wharf, in case you are wondering. Makes most sense to take over something vaguely fortified as its right there, don’t you agree? In subsequent adventures they may not be so near to hand, But the “Camp” will never be more than three or four hours away at any time (Say 10 miles maximum) It will all depend on the individual circumstance of the Adventure in question.